Mitel Press Announcement

Organizations in most industries rely on the Internet daily to carry out a range of tasks, from making purchases and communicating to developing projects and managing events. Additionally, for companies that serve the public, individuals visiting or using their facility also will expect adequate Internet access.

Because of the professional and social importance of broadband Internet connections and WiFi access, your business can’t afford to be lacking in these areas. To stay up to date and competitive, you have to offer the data networking infrastructure and capacity to handle your users’ demands.

Why Does Speed Matter to Users?

Adequate access is no longer a “nice-to-have” feature. It’s essential. If your users are constantly getting booted from the network mid-project or when they’re trying to complete important tasks, that not only wastes time but also diminishes productivity and employee morale. It’s the same as asking someone to transfer a heavy load of supplies with a faulty forklift.

As a manager, you want to provide your employees, clients, and other users the tools they require to efficiently do their job or have the optimal experience at your facility. If having a few devices connected to the Internet is maxing out capacity, then users are deprived of that ability, which is detrimental to their performance and your operational success.

What Contributes to Network Speed?

Depending on the needs of your company, your data networking infrastructure should include broadband access to accommodate multi-media presentations and live broadcasting, along with high-speed WiFi access points throughout the facility.

Broadband speed is measured by how long it takes to download or upload information from the web to a device, whereas bandwidth dictates how much information can be sent over a data network in any given moment. With Ethernet broadband, upload and download speeds are symmetrical.

If bandwidth is shared, capacity is more unpredictable as it can be affected by the level of demand from any and all the users on the network. With a dedicated bandwidth, you know what volume is available for a set number of users (such as your employees) and their devices.

To satisfy your users’ wireless needs, your network should include an adequate amount of access points. Each access point will usually support an approximate number of devices.

Other factors that can affect your network’s operation are signal strength, which refers to a broadcasted connection’s quality when it engages a device, and latency, which refers to a delay in information travelling across a network because of high traffic levels and occasionally infrastructure. While adequate bandwidth and access points can help in these areas, you can also consider additional routers, a Wi-Fi booster to increase signal strength, or a distributed antenna system (DAS) that amplifies carriers’ signals.

Taking Care of Your Users

Your organization’s operation, reputation, and overall success rely on providing exemplary equipment and tools for your employees and clients to help them perform their professional responsibilities to the best of their ability. This includes sufficient Internet access. If you need assistance ensuring your facility’s network speed is up to snuff, the communication specialists at Smart IP can help you implement the right infrastructure and manage this complex and sometimes fickle business solution to satisfactorily serve your users.

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