Network Assessments: Not Only for Installations

For many companies, IT networks have become not only more integral to operating their business on a day-to-day basis, but also more complex and complicated. With important information and critical operations depending on your network running smoothly and flawlessly,...

Is your Voice Network as Secure as it Can Be?

As technology becomes integrated into day-to-day business operations, it is easy to start taking its dependability and security for granted. Even though Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks are an important communication tool for professional services firms,...

Count With Our Experience to Achieve Your Objectives

Obtaining telecommunications for your commercial property can be an overwhelming process. At Smart IP, we are the leading national voice and data communications specialist in Canada. It allows us to work closely with you to provide solutions for all of the challenges...

The Avaya Conferencing Advantage

With technologies rapidly advancing and infiltrating professional practices in every industry, business communications also have been radically redefined. Employees and customers expect to be able to seamlessly communicate with one another, as well as management and...

The Importance of Customer Support

The way a business and company deals with its clients speaks volumes about their professionalism and commitment. Feedback is without a doubt the most profound tool for business owners and entrepreneurs to figure out what makes their customers tick and what they look...